3DSPlaza Wiki


This is all about Home4Noobs, the world's leading n00b manufacturer and exporter!


Export to: 3DSPlaza, Paint Network (3DSPaint, DSiPaint), over 500 other locations.

Cost: We have a very simple price range, shown below. We also have a membership service!

"Friendly" Rivals: 3DSPaint Independant N00b Traders Co.


Standard N00bs

  • When you buy less than 50 N00bs: 20,00€ each
  • When you buy over 200 N00bs: 10,00€ each
  • When you are on our 'Pay As You Go' Service: 100 N00bs/week for 30,00€/week

Premium N00bs

  • Fixed Price: 50,00€ each
  • Pay As You Go service: 3/week for 125,00€/week

Recycled N00bs

Please note: Home4N00bs cannot vouch for the quality of Recycled N00bs!
  • Fixed Price: 5,00€ each
  • Pay As You Go: 250/week for just 25,00€/week


  • Our Pay As You Go service allows you to slowly buy N00bs, and pay cheaper. Hint: you might want to link to match.com so you don't get cyberers!

Pre-order Now

Why should you pre-order? You shouldn't! Why pre-order when you can get your order NOW!

*cough cough* We need to sell these poor banned n00bs somewhere, BAWW*cough cough*

Recycling Information

Noobs checkrecycle

Recycling Information

Recycling information is shown here, in the case of doubt.

Contact us from the UK and Ireland

Should you be unsatisfied or unhappy with your purchased n00bs, you can call our 24h Customer Call Centre and we will be happy to replace your product free of charge!

Tel: 012343 474256

Fax: 012343 474257

(Hurry, a noob is asking me out! .-.)
